Year 0
Maria Vinagre travelled around the world. Well, literally, wasn´t like that, but was riding our first campaign developed for Red Cross. In February 2020 we took part in a group video with marketers around the world for the opening of a gala broadcasted from LA in 2D, thanks to WINA Festival; we had a line! in English! Oh well…when the Vinegars decide to debut… There we received our first award and then the second one, from Publifestival, no vanity here but not everyday you receive a pat on the back from your professional colleagues saying: well done!
Maria Vinagre, as anyone or any business, needs to think and do things on her own way, to, with the heart on it, contribute to make a better world.
We dive in depth, we are daring, brave, stubborns, perfectionists, life lovers, colours lovers, addicted to change and to make the impossible possible. Dancing and sitting until we find THE idea, that redefines everything. We mix everything and we add all to every single project.

This is the year in which a Yoga center, where we have been fully involved, breakthrough and in less than 5 months become a reference in Córdoba. This success is also ours. You solo yoga has a lot of Maria Vinagre and Maria Vinagre has a lot of You.
2020 is the kick-started of the Patios de Córdoba Centenary, a huge moment where Maria Vinagre have been heavily involved.
We are on duty going back and forth, redefining, rethinking, co-working, transforming and creating bonds day by day. We have also found a way to beat racism saying it in a nice way.
And best of all, we did it the four of us, we did it together, a team that grows united and together, finding a bunch of collaborators that made our work better and possible.
For this and much more we propose a pinch of Maria Vinagre in the creative sauce of life.